Shaw is a type of an agent: "I work for something loosely called an agency that doesn't officially exist, doing things around the world that no one will ever know I did".
Regina 'Reggie' Campion is one of a small but elite secret vigilante group of people whose mission is to rid the world of monsters - people who over the years have brought about the deaths of millions of innocent people. Reggie, who travels the world in pursuit of evil, was instrumental in eliminating a soldier and general in Hitler's army. Now her group of agents have set their sights on a new target. However, the enigmatic Shaw is also on the trail of this particular monster.
Evan Waller, an evil and depraved man who has made a fortune through his willingness to buy and sell anything - or anyone, is now being targetted by not 1 but 2 groups of people who are determined to put a stop to his business dealings once and for all.
A thrilling book which delves into the mind of a purely evil man who has no feelings, emotions or compassion.
Happy reading!
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